Buscarita Roa

Right to truth, justice and reparation.
Asociación Abuelas de la Plaza de Mayo

Bscarita Roa started her fight with the “Abueas de la Plaza de Mayo” after the great son of her seven children, José Poblete, was kidnapped in November 1978, along with his wife Gertrudis Hlaczkik and his daughter Claudia Victoria, who was 8 months old. Years of research and testimony led to the fact that, in 2000, Buscarita managed to reunite with her granddaughter and find out what happened with her son and his wife. Claudia was the first granddaughter who declared against her appeals in 2001 in an oral trial.

Interview with Buscarita Roa

Activists related

Haydee Castillo

Drets civils i polítics. Democràcia

Millaray Jara Collio

Medi ambient. Minories ètniques i nacionals.

Fatou Nyang

Drets de les dones.

Zainab Fasiki

Drets de les dones.

Ángela Ocampo

Drets de les dones.

Ahmed Tobasi

Right to peace. Civil and political rights. Freedom of speech and opinion. Refugees.