Rebiya Kadeer

Civil and political rights Ethnic and national minority rights
Uyghur minority in China
World Uyghur Congress
Rebiya Kadeer is activist defending the rights of the Uighur Muslim minority, subjected to systematic oppression by the Chinese government. She is the president of the Uighur World Congress. She was a prisoner of conscience in China and later nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. She lives in exile in the US, from where she denounces death and mistreatment of Uighurs by the majority Han ethnicity, accusation discredited by the Chinese government which considers her separatist and promoter of violence and associated with extremist Muslim groups. However, she was a successful businesswoman (she became the seventh fortune of China) and devote himself to philanthropy, promoting initiatives for education and training of Uighurs women and children. In the late 90s, she held a political position as adviser to the Chinese authorities, and later, between 1999 and 2005, she was jailed for his dissent. She has been married twice and is the mother of eleven children. Since 2005, Kadeer lives as a political exile in the United States and is working hard to publicize the violations of rights that suffer the Uighur community under the regime of Beijing.

She chairs the Uighur World Congress, an international organization founded in 2004 that aims to “promote the right of the Uighur people to use peaceful, nonviolent, and democratic means to determine the political future of East Turkestan”, as explained in the website of the organisation. Kadeer’s commitment to the rights and freedoms of her people has been recognized with several awards (like the Rafto, 2004, and the Lantos Foundation, last year) and won her the Nobel Peace Prize nomination. However, his activism has also had a high personal cost. She and several members of his family have suffered imprisonment, arrests and intimidation of all kinds.

Interview with Rebiya Kadeer

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